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03/25/10 Worksession
All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted

MOTION CM Eldridge that we allow the Cheverly Community Market to proceed with use of the Cheverly Community Center for the market and meetings for the 2010 market season with the submittal of last year’s profit/loss information and at the end of the year review the final documents for decision on upcoming years as acceptable to the Town Attorney and Town Administrator.  Seconded CM Callahan. Approved 5-0.  CM Johnson absent.

MOTION CM Eldridge to amend the Policy and Procedures of the Cheverly Planning Board to reflect the meeting notice requirements.  Seconded CM Watson. Approved 4-0. CM Johnson and Callahan absent.

MOTION CM Schachter to close the meeting to discuss and ongoing police investigation. Approved 5-0. CM Johnson absent.

MOTION CM Watson to open the meeting. Seconded CM Callahan. Approved 5-0.  CM Johnson absent.